Jean Goldenbaum participará do 'Festival Música Nova 2022', no ano do centenário de Gilberto Mendes, e de comemoração de 60 anos do festival. A obra será composta em parceria com o poeta santista Flávio Viegas Amoreira, que escreverá um poema especialmente para a ocasião.
Jean Goldenbaum will participate in the 'Festival Música Nova 2022', in the year of the centenary of Brazilian great composer Gilberto Mendes, and in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the festival. The work will be composed in partnership with the poet Flávio Viegas Amoreira, who will write a poem especially for the occasion.
Jean Goldenbaum will participate in the 'Festival Música Nova 2022', in the year of the centenary of Brazilian great composer Gilberto Mendes, and in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the festival. The work will be composed in partnership with the poet Flávio Viegas Amoreira, who will write a poem especially for the occasion.

For years Jean Goldenbaum and great Brazilian pianist Cláudio Thompson have been working together.
Since 2018 one of their dearest projects is in process. More news soon!
Há anos Jean Goldenbaum e o grande pianista brasileiro Cláudio Thompson vêm trabalhando juntos.
Desde 2018, um de seus projetos mais queridos está em andamento. Mais novidades em breve!